The sparrow woke up. From his nest, he looked at the far land and the rising sun. Sparrow and his friends, that were other sparrows and bush geckos, played on heavenly earthy fragrance light vibrant yellow brownish dry crumbly loose sandy soil. All friends raced on that crumbly sandy soil, leaving their foot prints on the loose soil and passing by the green bushes. All friends made a plan to explore the vast plain parallel smooth land of heavenly earthy fragrance light vibrant yellow brownish dry crumbly loose sandy soil and heavenly earthy bushy leafy smelling light vibrant yellow brownish, green cyanish, purple red brownish airy thin branches stems, thin leaves stems, swindling in the cool earthy wind, hundreds of them, bushes that were scattered growing all over the plain land, in random manner, at long wide space, long distance, far distance from one another, leaving a lot of free space among them bushes, to roam freely, on that vast place land earth plain landscape prairie, what you may call that. All the friends made their bags ready with necessary things for the first big adventure of their young life. They all were super excited and happy for the future. They all started walking in the morning. They were ten of them. As they were walking on the smooth soil, they found the beautiful pieces of twigs and small smoothest woods. They wondered what their story might be. They say in cool shadow of the nearby big outspread tree, with green little yellowishy colored beautiful soft leaves foliage on thousands of its long brown stems, on hundreds of its sturdy zigzag branches, that were dancing smoothly in the passing by wind. One of them, the sparrow suggested that these super smooth sturdy pieces of woods are the effect of few years of weather and season changes on them. Then the other gecko friend said that he agree with him, its the cause of so many rains, summers, winters and that the twigs and woods had to undergo all of this for so many years. They all found a piece of their own and put it in the side pocket of the bags. They rest their for a while. In the evening they walked some more, passing by the soft bushes. At last they found the place to rest for a night. A old dead big trunk of tree was laying their in the soil, alone and peacefully. The sun started to set. It started getting dark and the night came, bringing along with it so many shining bright stars in the high and vast sky. In the middle they burned a little bonfire. They sat all around it, some on the soft sandy soil and some with the laying down tree trunk with their back with it. They watched the wonderful vast sky and the countless stars in it and were amazed by the beauty. They all talked to each other about that wonderous place. They ate some sweet delicious red berries. Then they were sleepy. They took their sleeping mats out from their bags and spread them on the soil in quite place. Then they layed down on the mats, watching the sky and slowly closing their eyes and gradually falling in the depths of sleep and the fantasy dreams.

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