
Showing posts from July, 2024


Squirrels house. A tree on the side of the path. Leaves waving in the breeze. Laying down in the center of the sandy path without worry. Closing eyes with arms out and one big deep breath of relief. While laying down, looking to the left side and there is a shady tree on the small crumbly soily slope. This tree is a part of a long chain of trees growing and swaying in the breeze, along the path and and along the south side of the big vast farm. He got up and sat down in the center of the path. He crawled his way under the shadow of the tree, without standing up. There was big green shady berry tree on one side of farm. And the lots of farms all around it. The farms intertwined within each other and arranged in vertical patterns and horizontal patterns. Crops were growing in these strategically arranged farms. Water was given to the crops through little bit wide channels made of the farm soil itself. Water flows through these soily channels. And is applied to the particular


There was tree on the path. Wind was blowing. Earth was dry and cool. There was stone bench under the tree. Far trees were breezy. Every tree had a cool shadow. Tree was in the crops. There were houses far away in the land. Big green trees of berries were growing everywhere. Seesaws were swinging on the trees in the crops. Animal friends were collecting the berries. The tree was on the side of the path. Wind was blowing. Bushes were growing along the path. Sun was shining. The day was beautiful. Squirrel climbed up the tree. Squirrel sat down on the branch in the shade of leaves. Wind was blowing. He was walking on the bricks path. He saw the wild vines having fruits, growing on side in the sandy soil. He plucked the yellow fruit from the long vine on ground. He did not eat that. But played with that big round fruit. And threw it far away on the land, as far as he can. He saw the tree growing on the sandy low but long and smooth dune. He sat down on the mat under the tree.


Lonely solitude place away from everyone. A place of lush green crops. A house in the back. Mountains in the back far away. A path going along the side of the crop. A stone wall along with the path. Tree shadow on the stone wall. Sitting there with eyes closed no worry. Opening eyes after some time. Then closing the eyes again. Birds Squirrels playing nearby. Contentment at the fullest. What more has left to write. Tears coming out from eyes. Desperation lurking behind ready to attack. Going to house and bringing the juice glass back at the place. Drinking and enjoying the breeze and shadow. Beautiful girl coming in dreams. Her beauty can't be told. Beauty fades away if being tried to describe. So beautiful that heart beats and cries. Not laugh. But enjoys that crying. Always in attachment desire for her. Don't want to lose. But her image had made the forever, not to be lost home in the heart. Realising that the beauty that he sees outside is actually he himself. An


Long story of adventures of 5 friends sparrow, mouse, rabbit, gecko and monkey. In vast land of crumbly soils. Bushes growing everywhere. Berries on bushes everywhere on land. Soil under bushes. Feeling of crumbly soil touch. Feeling of touching soft bushes of thin long swaying branches and thin green leaves on stems. Cool shadows of bushes. Breeze in the wide open land stretching out in every direction upto horizon. Bushes growing at much distance from each other. Vast blue sky. Birds flying in alone solitude trees. Different kinds of animals on land. Small animals under bushes. Cozy habitats of animals, birds.

बिल्ली हस्की और चिड़िया के ADVENTURE

बिल्ली हस्की और चिड़िया दोस्त को एक नई धरती मिलती है। यह धरती सुगंधित भुरभुरी मिट्टी की है। धरती बहुत दूर दूर तक फैली हुई है। दोस्तों को इस धरती पर एक अदभुत जगह मिलती है। इस जादुई जगह पर दो पेड़ हैं। दो चरपाई हैं। दो पुराने गिरे हुए पेड़ के तने है। दो बालू के टीले है। दो सोफे है। और दूर दूर तक फैली हुई धरती पर नरम झाड़ियां उगी हुई हैं। तीनों दोस्त पेड़ों पर झूलते हुए झूलों पर झूलते हैं। तीनों दोस्त सुंदर नरम चरपाई पर बैठते और खेलते बातें करते हैं। तीनों दोस्त पेड़ों के गिरे हुए तने के साथ बैठते हैं, कहानियां सुनाते हैं और छोटे गोल स्वादिष्ट फल खाते हैं। तीनों दोस्त बालू के टीलों पर बैठते और खेलते हैं, टीलों पर उगी हुई नरम झाड़ियों के साथ बैठते हैं। तीनों दोस्त नरम सोफों पर बैठते हैं, जो के नरम भुरभुरी मिट्टी को छू रहे हैं। तीनों दोस्त बालू के टीलों के पिछे दूर दूर तक फैली हुई धरती पर उगी हुई झाड़ियों पर लगे हुए भिन भिन प्रकार के छोटे गोल स्वादिष्ट फलों को तोड़कर अपने झूलों में भरते है। तीनों दोस्त वापिस आकर पेड़ों चारपाइयों टीलों सोफों के बीच कपड़ा बिछा कर सारे फल वहां इक्क


They were walking. On the path. They stopped. They plucked the berries. They ate the berries. They were delicious. They watched the moon at night. They slept under the tree. They slept contentfully. They saw the seesaw. They saw the owl. The owl sitting on branch of the tree. The owl turned his head. They saw the jeep. They drive the jeep. There was old dead tree trunk. They sat on the trunk. There was a dragonfly. They run behind the dragonfly. They saw the bike. They drove the bike in crumbly soils. They saw the bushes. They broke the thin branches of the bush. Mouse friends saw the bridge. They crossed the stone bridge walking. There was resting room on the road. It was bird in the sky.he saw the snake on ground. They saw the yellow school bus. There was flying glider in the sky. He saw the pen in his hand. They noticed everyone was quite. They saw the ghost in dark lobby. They saw the tree of mangoes at a distance in field. There were white clouds in the blue sky. He considers ever


In the heart of a vast land filled with crumbly soils, not too far from a serene village, a lively group of friends embarked on an adventure like no other. This diverse group included Milo the mouse, Lily the gecko, Piper the sparrow, Thumper the rabbit, Ziggy the lizard, and their young companions—Timmy the kid mouse and Bella the kid sparrow. Joining them were Shadow the black cat, Snowy the white cat, Ellie the kid elephant, Max the kid monkey, Chiqui the chihuahua, Buddy the labrador, Daisy the border collie, Luna the husky, Rex the german shepherd, and Bruno the bulldog. Their journey began on a sunny morning when the friends decided to explore the mysterious land of crumbly soils they had heard so much about. As they ventured deeper, they marveled at the wide, long dunes that stretched out before them, not too high but impressive in their vastness. The air was filled with the earthy scent of the soil, a fragrance that promised hidden treasures. After a while, they stu


The mouse whose name was kooju, was walking on the path. There was tree growing on one side of the path. The sparrow was living on the tree with hep kids. Sparrow's nest was beautifully made with the twigs and long thin branches. Along with the tree trunk, there were stairs of branches, going up in the tree. Mouse climbed up the stairs and sat down on big branch of the tree, where there was sparrow's nest. Another mouse was passing by that soily path. The mouse sitting up on the branch of the tree saw him. He climbed down the stairs of tree branches. He stopped the another mouse whose name was Gabby. He asked him where he was going. Gabby told him that he was going on the adventures. Kooju told Gabby that there is beautiful place on the tree, where they could spend the night. Gabby agreed with him. They both climbed up the stairs and sat down on the big branch of the tree. The night started to fall. It was cool breezy night. The moon was shining among th


In the crumbly soils of the vast land, the little mouse was swinging on the seesaw, tide up to the breezy tree. In the crumbly soils of the vast land, the cute chubby kitten was playing cricket on the soft crumbly soil of the big farm.


Mouse was walking on the crumbly soil of vast land. He found the beautiful smooth stone with black and white layers, resting on the soft loose soil. He picked up the stone with his little hand. He walked little distance forward. He looked around at the beautiful vast place of the growing soft breezy  bushes. There was crumbly soft soil everywhere on that land. He threw the stone high up in air and very far away in the soily land, with his hand. 


He was walking on the soft sand dune. The wind was touching his feet and the sand. The sand dune was wide and smooth slopes of sand were curving on all sides, merging with other wide dunes and the vast land. The sand dune was big and super round in all the directions, placed on land. All the sides of big sand dune were very round in shape. The shape of sand dune was very smoothly curved soft sand in every side. Smooth dunes of sand were made by wind, placing the smooth curvy layers of sand one over other in every direction, from bottom of land to top of dune. The smooth curves of sand were sliding down from top of dune to vast land in every direction. Small crumbly pieces of sand, crumbled up very easily when pressed with hand. Soft stones of crumbly soil, small stones were smooth round shaped in all directions, merging curvingly in one another. The soft crumbly soil stones were scattered all over the place in vast land. The vast land was made up of soft soil crumbly stones


The squirrel was playing on soft sandy soil of the vast land. After playing for some time, he sat down under big bush growing on the crumbly soil. Sun was shining bright in the big blue sky. Cool breeze was blowing in peaceful shadow of big bush, that was growing at the vast land. Squirrel turned on his little tv and started watching nature jungle movie, while laying down under the windy bush. After some time, he turned off the tv. Small soft sofa was placed down there, under bush on the other side. Cute chubby squirrel walked to sofa, placed his hand on one arm of sofa, looked around at place of many bushes growing in the vast solitude. He sat down on soft squishy sofa, that was covered with thin layer of powdery soil particles flying in the wind. Squirrel relaxed with eyes closed on sofa in the cool and warm breeze.


They were sleeping under the night sky. The moonlight was falling on the vast land. Everyone was in deep sleep and sweet earthy breeze was passing by over the soil. In the morning birds were flying from one bush to another for berries. Small cute kid birds were also flying here and there on super soft crumbly soil. The birds would fly in the sky there were berries in their beak. The geckos were driving their sleek design ATVs up and down on very wide and long sand dunes. At last they came back and layed down on the comfy soft bed that was in the open land under the tree on soft crumbly soil. The birds took the berries in small yellow beaks up high in the sky and drop them from there to the ground. The gecko was standing and looking around on the center of the long wide sand dune of soft sand among many others on the big land of super crumbly soil. The sparrows were hanging with their arms on the branches of trees growing at big distance from each other tree in the biggest l