
Showing posts from June, 2024


The sparrow woke up. From his nest, he looked at the far land and the rising sun. Sparrow and his friends, that were other sparrows and bush geckos, played on heavenly earthy fragrance light vibrant yellow brownish dry crumbly loose sandy soil. All friends raced on that crumbly sandy soil, leaving their foot prints on the loose soil and passing by the green bushes. All friends made a plan to explore the vast plain parallel smooth land of heavenly earthy fragrance light vibrant yellow brownish dry crumbly loose sandy soil and heavenly earthy bushy leafy smelling light vibrant yellow brownish, green cyanish, purple red brownish airy thin branches stems, thin leaves stems, swindling in the cool earthy wind, hundreds of them, bushes that were scattered growing all over the plain land, in random manner, at long wide space, long distance, far distance from one another, leaving a lot of free space among them bushes, to roam freely, on that vast place land earth plain landscape pra


Road was beautiful, because it was going uphill on sand dune. These were spread over vast land. Road was purplish grey. Plants and bushes were growing everywhere. Bushes were scattered, growing at long distance from one another. Bushes were moving there thin branches swiftly in cool wind in that solitude of the vastness. Birds were living on the trees, that were growing over vast crumbly soil land. Birds used to play under the cool shadow of bushes on nice smelling dry and crumbly soil.


Sitting in earthy smell dry crumbly loose soil. He was enjoying the smells beauty and vastness of the land. He was sitting in the crops. In one big farm, with crop of wheat growing in it. He was sitting one side where crop was fading into smaller and smaller, far and far plants of wheat. Wind was feeling cool to body, wind blowing from far distance, far land. He was sitting on thin light mat made of grass. Sitting there he ate berries and fruits under shadow of small windy tree, having thin branches and small thin leaves, on hundreds of thin long stems. They were swindling in the vast blowing wind from far. He listened to some songs. He pulled the mats one side on farm soil where there was long mound of soil on both sides having long and little deep path of soil between both of them. This was for watering the farm's crop. But right now it was empty and dry, and soil was crumbly smelling amazing. He slept for a while there. He was very relaxed. He was very pe


The boy lived in the beautiful land of crops and trees. The land was vast and the soil had very nice earthy smell. There was boy's house in the fields. It was one room house. Outside the house, the boy sat down on the comfy bed, made of intertwined ropes. There boy watched the stars in the high and vast night sky. The boy slept on the rope's bed for upto one hour. The relaxing cool wind was blowing in the land. Then the boy ate some sweet berries that he had picked in the day time from big trees in crops. After that he walked in the room and layed down on the comfortable fluffy big double bed with pillow on back of his head. He turned on the big screen flat led tv on the wall. The relaxing cool wind was coming from the big window on side wall and was passing through the room and out from the wooden door that was left open. Laying down on the bed the boy watched the beautiful animation movie of animal friends. His heart very touched by that funny movie an